You can email me here.
I have 3 blogs:
1 - At the End of the Day - my thoughts on life, love, kids, pets, dieting and general living
2 - Chasing Cars - What I'm reading, re-reading and writing
3 - Wasting Time without Margaritas - my meme blog.
100 random things about me (as at April, 2011) (update #1 May, 2012)
1 - I have no middle name. I was deprived
2 - I'm an only child...again, deprived
3 - I can't whistle
4 - I have a B.A in psychology that I've never used in my career, but use in life every day
5 - I have an extremely irrational fear of rats
6 - I've lived in 3 different countries and travelled to many, many more
7 - I am a Pisces
8 - I've been with my hubby for
9 - I read...a lot. I can usually do a book a day, especially when I'm avoiding housework and other real life activities
10 - My favourite colours are black, purple, silver and red
11 - I believe I would have survived in Stephen King's The Stand because I dream long, often, and vividly each night.
12 - My hair is politely termed "a hot mess" and really needs cut very short so I can start again.
13 - I have both my ears pierced twice but no other piercings or tattoos
14 - I can not dance or sing, but love to do both
15 - I love a good curry and a beer
16 - I am overweight (um...note the curry and beer)
17 - After I exercise I feel so much better about life
18 - I hate to exercise
19 - I love to win and have known to be a sore loser and a cheat
20- I am selfish, moody, over-sensitive, obsessive, controlling, stubborn, lazy, and never wrong.
21. I am also kind, smart, funny, imaginative, empathetic, practical, creative, loving, and loyal.
22 - I love animals and am always happier when cats are in the house
23 - I love to sleep and could totally win a sleeping competition
24 - I swear like a trucker but hate the "c" word.
25 - I have very selective hearing and the ability to tune out the most annoying voices, but little sounds like beeping drive me insane
26 - I drink way too much coke zero, sugar free red bull and champagne...but not all at the same time
27 - I still bite my fingernails
28 - I think everyone has the right to choose their own sexuality - gay, lesbian, straight, transgendered, bisexual or anything in between. Whatever makes you happy
29 - I do not believe in organised religion but have no problem if you do
30 - I think women should be allowed to choose if they want to be lawyers, doctors, scientists, strippers, prostitutes, porn stars or stay at home mums, and not be judged for their decision.
31 - I've been known to be cynical, sarcastic and ironic...but not all at the same time
32 - I think Formula 1 is the hardest, most intense, fascinating-to-watch sport ever. There are nearly 7 billion people in the world and only 24 F1 drivers
33 - I have very eclectic music tastes and like artists in most styles of music
34 - I have a terrible short term memory and need to write everything down in anal lists
35 - I love babies but toddlers drive me nuts
36 - I would love to move to the beach and be a beach bum.
37 - I prefer to sleep naked and get my warmth from the blankets and the hubby
38 - tomato soup makes me throw up but I love eating tomatoes
39 - I am not allergic to nuts but often tell restaurants I am because i don't like the taste.
40 - I cruised through school doing not much work and passed easily with cram study sessions
41 - I hate the phone and would rather speak in person to a room full of strangers that call my best friend
42 - I hate the library. They always make me give the books back and I end up paying fines worth more than it would have taken me to buy the book.
43 - I have never broken a bone *touch wood* in my life
44 - I don't drink coffee. I think it tastes yucky.
45 - I believe in aliens and vampires and werewolves and taking the piss out of people
46 - For the past
47 - One day I will write a book
48 - I have been pregnant
49 - I need to pee often...more so if I'm on the trampoline
50 - The first concert I ever attended was UB40 when I was 14
51 - I believe that Buffy the Vampire Slayer is possibly the best tv series ever made
52 - I cope well in extreme situations
53 - I took piano lessons as a kid from a hideous troll of a woman who turned me off learning forever
54 - I hate heights but love aeroplanes
55 - I believe sex is better when you practice often
56 - I never bitch about my real life friends, but love to bitch about people I don't like with my online friends
57 - I am the boss of Erin
58 - I have no self discipline or will power (see #16)
59 - I have a great bullshit meter except when it comes to the hubby - then I'm gullible as all hell
60 - I've been known to be scary
61 - I get frustrated at women who act as if we're still in high school
62 - I have a couple of people who I consider very good friends...and yet we've never met
63 - I’m terrible at bowling; but really enjoy it anyways.
64 - I’m messy but not dirty.
65 - I hate washing dishes.
66 - I love Karaoke but have to be drunk to sing it
67 - I hate getting my picture taken (did I mention #16 lately?)
68 - I love to read in the bath
69 - I can lie like a sociopath
70 - I used to wear glasses but had my eyes lasered. The best part was the Valium
71 - I prefer to hang out with a group of guys than a group of girls - less complicated
72 - I hate being late and am often over-early
73 - I hate shopping - especially in malls
74 - I think my hubby is a saint for putting up with me
75 - I have no sense of direction - it drives my hubby nuts
76 - I can not read a map. See #75
77 - I have helped deliver lambs and calves
78 - I have milked a cow
79 - I have eaten rabbit, kangaroo, snake and sheep's brains
80 - I yell too much
81 - stupid people drive me crazy
82 - I don't like when people spell words wrong on purpose when they text
83 - I have never had a speeding ticket
84 - I'm extremely lucky
85 - Sometimes I wish I wasn't a grown up...and then I remember I'm not
86 - I am enjoying my 30s a lot more than I did my 20s
87 - I'm pretty sure my feral kids could take out both Ralph and Jack on the island
88 - I never want to be visited by Extreme Home Makeover because as much as I'd love the new house, i do not want the tragedy needed to bring them to me.
89 -
90- I think tequila shots were invented for a reason
91 - I am hopeless with all things technical
92 - I do not know how to change a tyre, change oil or where in the car to put water
93 -
94 - I love when my house is really tidy, but I hate the work of making it that way
95 - I can't remember most of the 94 things I've already written (see #34)
96 - At the risk of sounding like Tom Cruise, I believe that way too many people are on prescription drugs
97 - I have never jumped on someone elses couch
98 - I always use two towels - one for my hair and one for my body
99 - I think if women would stop honing in on each others relationships, we'd be ruling the world
100 - I would like to die in my sleep on my 100th birthday