
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Power Out - nothing like eating by candlelight

Dear Idiot who ran his car into a power poll,

Thank you for giving #2 kid a reason why he should always keep his room tidy. He couldn't find his torch when the power went out due to the extreme mess.

Thank you for giving the hubby and I a reason for eating a candlelit dinner. We haven't done that since...well, ever. Of course cooking it by candlelight was rather hard, but at least you didn't hit a gas main, too, so we were able to eat.

We went to bed early, knowledge firmly in hand of why people in the olden days had so many bloody kids. There was nothing else to do.

yours faithfully,
Owner of a zillion candles

PS - I've severely pissed at you because you made me miss Criminal Minds

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